
Novel physical-chemical oxidation processes for mitigating toxic cyanobacterial blooming


2019-22 |

1st & 2nd cycle

Hosting Institution

Cyprus University of Technology

Team Members

Maria G. Antoniou, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering Eleni Keliri, PhD Student, Department of Chemical Engineering

Evangelos Daskalakis, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering


2019-22 |

1st & 2nd cycle

Hosting Institution

Cyprus University of Technology

Team Members

Maria G. Antoniou, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering Eleni Keliri, PhD Student, Department of Chemical Engineering

Evangelos Daskalakis, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering

A new oxidation chemical process for better quality of surface water

Global warming, water scarcity, and anthropogenic activities greatly contribute to the deterioration of surface water quality and availability, due to phenomena such as eutrophication. This project aims to develop physical-chemical oxidation processes which will result in the mitigation of cyanobacteria harmful algal blooms that impair surface water quality, without the use of hazardous chemicals (i.e., algaecides), taking into consideration the wellness of the remaining ecosystem. This team also works on Poxi, a side product of CYanOxi, which has been developed in parallel to cover a need that arose during lab testing. Despite its use as a lab-based method for researchers, it can be widely applied as a rapid, easy, and accurate method for the quantification of monochlorinated compounds in swimming pools, hot tubs, and spa waters, as well as in industries such as electronics production, paper recycling and wool treatment.