

Unlock the full potential of your commercialization endeavors

Our Application Process

How to Apply

Scientific teams will be invited to submit their application to join the 4th  Cycle which will begin in February 2025. Check below the Timeline of the Call for Applications 4th Cycle Grant Application Timeline and Key Dates
  • Call Announcement: Early September
  • Deadline for Submission of Applications: 31st October 2024
  • Interview Notifications to Shortlisted Teams: Early January
  • Interviews of Shortlisted Teams: Mid-January 2025
  • Announcement of Grantees: End of January 2025
  • Commencement of the 4th Cycle: February 2025
All teams will submit their application via the Babele Platform.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. The applicant can only be a research Team of a private or public research organisation
    established in Cyprus including universities, research institutions and Centers of
  2. The applicant Team should consist of at least a Principal Investigator and a Champion
    (Post-Doc, PhD or MS, both near completion of thesis).
  3. The research team intend to transition their work from the lab to the marketplace
    seeking financing from private investment as well as national grants provided by the
    Research and Innovation Foundation (i.e., Pre-Seed).
  4. The PI should be eager to participate in programs and partnerships early on to increase likelihood of commercialization. The PI should be a role model in encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship in their lab or department.
  5. If the desired commercialization path is through creation of a spinoff, the Champion should be seriously intending to work full-time with the spin-off.
  6. Research projects from any industry sector and technology field are eligible.
  7. The team to have signed an Invention Disclosure Form (IDF) with the Technology Transfer/Innovation Office of their Hosting Institution.

Selection Criteria

Applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  1. Global Economic, Environmental, and Social Impact Potential
  2. Market Need/Fit
  3. Scientific Merit
  4. Commercialization Strategy
  5. Project Team

Priority will be given to projects that:

  1. Address climate change and environmental protection.
  2. Can demonstrate technology maturity

Evaluation Process

The applications which meet the eligibility criteria will be reviewed by international evaluators.

Each application will be reviewed by a minimum of two non-Cyprus-based experienced evaluators with a relevant scientific and business background.

Shortlisted teams will be invited to the next step of the evaluation process, which is a 30-minute interview with a committee of international experts. A pitch deck will be requested to be submitted before the interview date.

Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions of each call vary, according to the availability of grants and sustainability issues that arise in each cycle of applications. Make sure to read our terms and conditions for our next cycle when this becomes available.

Apply Now

Application form

The application will be published when the 4th Call for Applications is announced.

Frequently Asked Questions

Still looking for answers? Find below further information on Cyprus Seeds and its unique program.

Is Cyprus Seeds part of a university or research institution?
Cyprus Seeds is registered as a not-for-profit private entity. It is an independent organization that aims to support innovative academic research.
Does the research project have to be based in Cyprus?
Yes. Cyprus Seeds contributes to strengthening the economic conditions in Cyprus and creating promising jobs.
Do I have to be Cypriot to participate in the Cyprus Seeds competition?

No. Nationality does not play a role–provided that you have the necessary work permits and plan to establish your company in Cyprus

Does Cyprus Seeds place a premium on applications where consortiums are in place?

A consortium is an association of several companies. Unlike other funding programmes, Cyprus Seeds is not placing a premium on applications where consortiums are in place.

Is funding from my host institution a requirement for participation in the Program?

No, though co-funding is recommended by Cyprus Seeds from the host institution, it is not a requirement for participation in the Program. Cyprus Seeds believes it is important for host institutions to be engaged in the commercialization process of their research groups. To this effect, Cyprus Seeds suggests that host institutions co-fund projects selected by Cyprus Seeds.

Does the host institution deduct overheads from the grant amount?

No. The host institution will not deduct overheads from the grant amount to be approved by Cyprus Seeds.

I am afraid that if I apply to Cyprus Seeds, my idea may be exposed to competitors. How can I protect my intellectual property?

A Non-Disclosure Agreement is signed by both the Evaluators and Mentors who offer services to the Cyprus Seeds Programme. Applications are shared with Evaluators and Mentors under confidence. The submissions do not constitute a public release.


How can I receive news about Cyprus Seeds?

You can send an email to [email protected] expressing your interest and you will be added to Cyprus Seeds’ contact list and its Newsletter Database.