
With Us

We rely on the generosity of the Greeks and Cypriots of the Diaspora
as well as individuals and corporations who share our passion for scientific innovation

Corporate Giving

Companies that donate and support Cyprus Seeds help ensure the sustainability of the Program, and the advancement of Cyprus Seeds grants, mentoring, and networking opportunities given to scientific teams.

Key benefits of corporate giving:

  • Gain an early view of the technologies being developed by the scientific teams nurtured by Cyprus Seeds.
  • Build relationships with talented researchers, including well-established faculty members and up-and-coming graduate students.
  • Collaborate with project teams to explore potential market opportunities and focused applications for promising inventions.
  • Advise and invest in spinout companies to help them develop, manufacture and distribute groundbreaking products.
  • Help reverse the brain drain and create the promising jobs of the new technological era in Cyprus.
  • Tax incentives for investment in innovative SMEs. Please see here, details as well as the terms and conditions for corporate tax benefits provided by the Cyprus government.

Individual Giving

Our donors have a deep commitment to our mission of impacting society by bringing innovative inventions to the marketplace. Many also have a strong emotional connection with the is land and wish to support the developing ecosystem. Others have a grounding in their own personal experiences with innovation and wish to be catalysts for further progress.

Key benefits of individual giving:

  • Help shape the future of the country’s economy
  • Empower local talent
  • Drive meaningful change
  • Leave a lasting legacy of progress and development

Pro bono Services

We invite organizations or individuals to offer their pro bono services to Cyprus Seeds and to our academic teams. In return, we offer sponsor visibility, connections with the academic world, and an opportunity to be part of an initiative that aims to create technology startups and employment opportunities in Cyprus.

Desired services include and are not limited to:

  • Marketing

Marketing or market research projects, video production and social media, graphic design and promotion campaigns including media and digital platforms.

  • Advisory

 Such as HR services, registering a company and other matters of a legal nature. We welcome banking services and financial advisory, as well as mentoring and coaching if you feel you can build our team’s entrepreneurial mindset.

Event Sponsorships

Organizations and companies can support us by sponsoring any of the regular events organized throughout the year.

Such events include team training and networking and our annual demo day – a high-profile event, which gives researchers a showcase for presenting their work to potential investors and VC funds.

Sponsorships can come in the form of:

  • financial support
  • offering of suitable venues
  • catering services
  • gifts
  • event audiovisual and digital production
  • covering the researchers & speakers travelling and accomodation expenses

Engage with us

If you wish to give to Cyprus Seeds contact our Managing Director, Maria Georgiadou.

Your giving is appreciated

To give away money is an easy matter, and in any man’s power. But to decide to whom to give it, and how large and when, and for what purpose and how, is neither in every man’s power-nor an easy matter. Hence it is that such excellence is rare, praiseworthy, and noble.


Ancient Greek philosopher

Founding Donors

Major Donors

Other Donors

Media Sponsor

Pro-bono Supporters