Cyprus Seeds participates in Reflect Festival

Sep 2023

After five years of successful contribution in the scientific innovative ecosystem in Cyprus, Cyprus Seeds is well equipped to organize and take part in a panel discussion on the important topic ‘Health and Environment are in crisis: How can we create scientific start-ups to rise to the challenge?’, to take place at this year’s REFLECT Festival, on September 20th, between 11:40 a.m. to 12:20 p.m.

We’ve just had one of the worst global crisis we will have in our lifetimes, the Covid pandemic. Brought to an end, largely by a scientific innovation spin-out in the form of the Oxford Astra-Zeneca vaccine.

Our panel will be moderated by Nicholas Andreou, entrepreneur Antler, founder Impact Edge Consulting and our panellists will be Cyprus Seeds Managing Director, Maria Markidou Georgiadou, Stavros Malas, Professor and President of The Cyprus Institute, Alexandros Charalambides, Associate Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Cyprus University of Technology (ChemEngCUT) of the Cyprus University of Technology, and Katerina Pramatari, partner at Uni.Fund and professor at Athens University of Economics and Business.

They will offer a holistic approach to how innovative research ideas can be transformed into startup ventures, that can give solutions to world problems in the health and the environment.

This is your chance to gain invaluable insights from the intersection of science, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

Join us at Reflect Festival and be part of what promises to be a very enlightening discussion.

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