Tomographic image enhanced reconstruction


2021-22 |

2nd cycle

Hosting Institution

The Cyprus Institute

Team Members

Costas N. Papanicolas, Institute Professor

Demetris Maintas, Professor, Director Institute of Isotopic Studies S.A. and Head of Dept. of Nuclear Medicine Unit of Medical Center, Athens

Konstantinos Kleovolou, Assistant Vice President of Strategy and Development

Eftathios Stiliaris, Associate Professor, Physics Dept. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, The Cyprus Institute

Loizos Koutsantonis, PostDoc Researcher, University of Luxembourg


2021-22 |

2nd cycle

Hosting Institution

The Cyprus Institute

Team Members

Costas N. Papanicolas, Institute Professor

Demetris Maintas, Professor, Director Institute of Isotopic Studies S.A. and Head of Dept. of Nuclear Medicine Unit of Medical Center, Athens

Eftathios Stiliaris, Associate Professor, Physics Dept. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, The Cyprus Institute

Loizos Koutsantonis, PostDoc Researcher, University of Luxembourg

Konstantinos Kleovolou, Assistant Vice President of Strategy and Development

Providing superior quality tomographic images

Employing the latest cyberinfrastructure and computational techniques, TIER provides tomographic medical images of unmatched quality; it thus enhances the detection and monitoring capability of malignant tumors, of cardiac and neurological diseases (e.g. Parkinson’s). Leveraging know-how from nuclear physics and complex data processing, TIER enables medical centers to obtain superior quality tomographic images by post-processing data already obtained by their scanners (e.g. PET, SPECT, MRI) and/or reduce dosage of radiopharmaceuticals in appropriately redefined scanning protocols.